
by | Mar 11, 2021 | Appalachian Trail

Started the day with high hopes of a pancake breakfast. We woke up to 18 degree temps, packed up quick and started the one mile walk to the NOC (Nantahala Outdoor Center)

When we got there, we quickly found out that not only are they not opening until 11, they don’t even serve the breakfast menu until next week

So we waited around outside for a while.  Eventually the manager let us in and made coffee for us (free!). He let us sit in side to warm up for a bit.

Afterwards, we went back outside to wait for lunch.  I found an extension cord behind a coffee machine that had three open it outlets so we could all charge.

Eventually, they opened for lunch and we had burgers and beer

After lunch, we crossed the river, but before hitting the trail, we found an awesome chair to take pictures on

Then we hit the trail, or rather the trail hit us.  We had to hike about 7 miles to get to our shelter, gaining almost 2000 ft in elevation.  And the mountain was punishing us for every bite of our burgers.

The views at the top were great though and the ice along the trail was interesting.

We are just two days away from Fontana dam and the Smokies, can’t wait!