General Posts

Pre-PCT Supply in San Diego!

Today we met our first trail angel, Janine! She took us shopping so that we could finalize our supplies before our hike! Afterwards, we went to Ocean Beach Brewery for lunch. We then walked through some farmers' markets and on the beach!! I also learned about space!...

We made it to San Diego!

We made it to San Diego!

After a night full of packing, taking care of last minute household tasks and just a little bit of sleep, we made it to the Airport in time to catch our flight. Aside from a very vocal cat, the flight was uneventful and we made it to San Diego! We are going to stay in...

Pacific Crest Trail FAQs

Pacific Crest Trail FAQs

Here are some of the most frequent questions we've been asked about our upcoming journey. If there is anything else you'd like to know, please let us know in the comments! Where the heck is the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT)? The PCT is located on the West coast of the US,...

We are live!

We are live!

If you are reading this, then the website is live and functional! Big shout out to our friend Scott for helping us bring this website to life, thanks again! We'll be posting more in the next few days as we put the finishing touches on the site and continue to prepare...